I was talking to a family friend the other day, and just like so many other Nigerians we are deeply concerned about the state of affairs in the country and strongly feel it time for a change. So I shared with him the things I would like to do as an individual and hopefully make a difference. He said and i quote " that will be like a spit in the ocean". He was implying that the efforts of one person can not make a significant difference in Nigeria, because the country has a lot of problems , so enormous and complex .
My take on this; this mind set is one of the reason Nigeria is still in bad shape after so many years. Individuals are so perplexed with the enormity of the problem that they believe their efforts will be insignificant.
I on the other hand believe in the power of one. Do not get me wrong, I also belong to various groups where people of like minds are working together to come up with ideas, suggestions and solutions to impact lives positively. But I know, as individuals we are capable of making significant difference in our lives, the life of others, affect this generation and even the next.
looking at biblical history, when ever God wanted to cause a change he does not call a crowd of people, he starts with one man. when He wanted to bless the nations of the earth, it took the obedience of one man called Abraham. Genesis 22:18 ... and through your off springs all nations of the earth will be blessed because thou has obeyed my voice.
It took one man's resolution to worship God no matter the consequence, that caused an idolatrous nation to recognise there is only one true and wise God.
Daniel 6:25-26........I make a decree , that in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel..........
Daniel was just one man. But the actions of this man shook an entire kingdom and we are still reading about it today.
It took one woman's simple but brave act of defiance to inspire a generation to fight for civil rights. An unknown seamstress living in Montgomery Alabama finally had enough and refused to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus. Rosa parks inspired a movement by this one act that put an end to legal segregation in America.
Mahatma Gandhi resolved within himself that in his life time India will gain independence and have the right to govern itself as a sovereign nation. One man called himself to action and others followed .
Barack Obama, started out with all odds stacked up against him. He had a name that was easily dismissed, from an ethnic background referred to as the minority in America, no money, no followers. In this initial stage even his wife saw his dreams and ambition as lofty. All he had was the belief and mind set that" YES HE CAN" He can make a difference and his efforts as an individual was not insignificant . We all know how the story ends. My point? He was just one man.
So never underestimate the power of one! If God speaks to you like He did to Abraham, obey Him. If you live by Godly principles / values like Daniel stick to them , if you have had enough like Rosa Parks, do something! It is true, no one person can physically do all the work, but we can inspire others when we call our self to action. You and i as individuals have the power to cause a positive change in Nigeria. Instead of waiting for a group of people or someone else to make a difference "be the difference". Embrace the power of one.
Rule 1 excerpts from 12 Rules for Life
10 months ago
God has always started with just one man or one person to bring to pass His counsel on earth, It took the Obedience of Noah, for him to spare mankind,a Joseph, saved and preserved Isreal, a Moses, moved them out of Egypt,a Joshua took them to the promised land, a David, challenged the status quo and proved Isreal was God's own Nation against Goliath and the Philistine..Rahab,saved the spies from Isreal,Ruth became an ancestor of Jesus, Deborah, Esther, Mary, were women in the bible that God used at different times..."so a spit in the ocean" can make all the difference! Barack is one man that rose up to challenge the status quo in American and today... the world is his stage and waiting for true change and hope to come to America...!Indeed we will stand and be counted!Like David...is there not a cause? Jesus,God in human form, came and today we as Christians are reconciled to God!May God help us know that before we were born, He called us like Jeremiah and the other Prophets!-Jeremiah -1-5. Thanks for this masterpiece and for reminding me that it takes just one match or stick of fire to set ablaze a forest!So i am set to be a voice of hope and change indeed...cos if God can use anyone, let him use me and those that will make themselves available!