Money is man made. A medium of exchange for trade in goods and services. Well improved upon since the time of "trade by barter". When people simply traded what they had in exchange for what they needed. Because of the importance of money, people work very hard to make (acquire) it; some harder than others. In any case, spend a lot of their TIME and ENERGY doing it.
Unfortunately, in the process of making money, we have lost sight of the main reason money was created. Making money is now used to equate our importance in society and life. How much we make and what we own. Values are trampled upon in the process, because the acquisition of money and the amount of "goods" we have, is now tied to our significance .
I will like to note here that, everyone is significant because we are made by God for a purpose. So with or without money we all have our roles to play in life and none is more, or less significant than the other.
The love (passion) for money has turned many people's heart cold. It has made a lot of people throw away morals and values. As long as people have lots of money, society celebrates them even when they act crazy. And we see this at times in Hollywood. Because of this era in history, where most people, seem to be totally consumed with the quest, to make the most money overnight, some have even reversed the teaching of Christ. Instead of, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things (including money) will be added unto you; it is now, it doesn't matter what you do, even if you are living in total disobedience to God, just put the money in the offering plate and all will be fine.
The bible talks about WORK:
......that if any would not work let him not eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
The importance of DILIGENCE:
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings....
proverbs 22:29
One of the many ways we can GIVE: deal thy bread to the hungry, that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house, when thou seest the naked that thou cover him.....
Isaiah 58:7
Giving doesn't end in church. Like I mentioned earlier money is important and can be used for tremendous good. Ecclesiastes 10:19 money answereth all things. The problem is the LOVE for money 1timothy 6:10 ...... the root of all evil . And this evil can make us , loose sight of the reason why we are here "Divine purpose". We should be more passionate about anything that can cause a positive change in our life and in the lives of those around us, not the change in our wallet or bank accounts.
Economist say, the basic necessity of man are, food, shelter and clothing. Most people believe they have to eat the most exotic food, live in the most luxurious homes or wear the most expensive designer clothes to be living the "good life" The quality of life we live is not dependent on how expensive these things are but how enriched our being is. Life is lived from the inside out and not the other way around. If you are wealthy enough and can afford these things, thank God and enjoy. If not know when to be content! Else you will spend your years trying to figure out how to have enough money. Money is never enough. Even some of the wealthiest people in the world are still trying to make more money!
I apologise for such a long article. So I will leave this verse for you to ponder on as you consider what your priorities are in regards to money.
....for what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul..
mathew 16:26
Please do watch the video on my blog, "loose my soul" by: tobymac. The lyrics are very inspirational.
Rule 1 excerpts from 12 Rules for Life
10 months ago
True talk my sister, money is a means to be used to enjoy life that God has given and not a means of abuse as Myles Munroe, the Bahamas pastor and author of best selling books on purpose will always say that when the value of a thing is not known,abuse becomes inevitable and this can be seen in our world today, where people are intoxicated with the craze to make money and oppress people!People including those of us that call ourselves Christians have gone the way of the world in making money through compromised and corrupt ways!and think that by giving fat offerings in church or our places of worship, God will accept it and make the money holy!you know what?God is not mocked, anything a man sows, he will reap!So we should start seeing money as a means of exchange for our needs and a means to reachout to people in need!God bless you for this thought provoking post.