It is impossible in life to accomplish anything without a plan. There is a saying that goes , if you have failed to plan, you have planned to fail. In other words failure is inevitable without a plan. So much is lost, time and effort are wasted due to lack of proper planning. looking at the overall picture of our lives, we can honestly say that some of our dreams have not come through because we did no have a plan to accomplish them.
knowing where you want to go in life is one thing , knowing how to get there is another. I have always had good ideas of what i wanted to do with my life and on how to make the most of it. The problem was, i never really had a thought out plan on how to achieve this. It is the beginning of the year and so many people have written out their goals and know what they want to achieve .This is good , but we should also have a well thought out plan on how we intend to achieve these goals and also have back up plans, just in case things do not happen the way we expect.
It doesn't matter the failures of our past, we can start again. I honestly believe anytime we realise a fault in us, is an opportunity to make things right. Some people realise their mistakes sooner than others. what ever the case, something can always be done about it.
Before we can come up with a plan for anything in life, we have to know what we want. whether it is about fiances, relationship our health, or anything that is important to us, we need to make up our minds what we really want.
Yes we can! This is an attitude that encourages the will and intention to carry out actions regarding what we want. For plans to be successful, we have to be determined and disciplined to follow it through. Be informed about what you want to do, so that you can plan accordingly. Do research , the Internet is flooded with information on every topic known to man. Find out people who have been successful in the area of interest and emulate them. Apply the same principles they did. Success always leaves a trail , follow it. A plan should also have a time frame. know exactly when you want to accomplish things and how long it will take and plan accordingly.
In making the most out of life, we need to have a plan on how we intend to achieve it. We need to plan for the future , which always begins tomorrow. Simply put, GOALS + PLANS = RESULTS. So , get out the drawing boards people, let's start planning.
Proverbs 27:12 says , A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them. The simpleton never looks and suffers the consequences.
Rule 1 excerpts from 12 Rules for Life
10 months ago
To build a house, you dont just start digging, you plan on paper first, plan on what it will cost and everything needed to make your building a reality! Lack of planning means failure, or if you succeed without planning, then know that the success would have been bigger/better/greater if you had planned! Nice one and a great reminder to us all.