...what I am to be, I am now becoming. -Benjamin Franklin
My take: Today, right now, at this very moment we are molding our future, our existence by various activities or inactivity, resulting from things we have decided to do or not to do with today. What a powerful God given ability! An ability, that is our responsibility to use wisely if are going to make the most of our lives, and be all God wants us to be. In light of this truth, you might want to ask yourself; what am I doing right now, as it relates to the 'dream' I carry in my heart and the goals I have set out to accomplish?
Everyone wants to know what the future holds. This is good, but I think it is better that we desire more to know what potential lies in every day, and how best to use the opportunity each day brings to our advantage. For, the future we wake up to, is more often than not, the results/outcomes of what we have done with the day before.
A lot has been written and said about the value of a day... I believe a lot of us already know and appreciate the significance of a new day. Yet somehow, the tendency to let a day slip by remains a common occurrence... After all, we often think "there is always tomorrow". But here is the kicker, "No one is guaranteed tomorrow".
We all hope and dream of a better future. Needless to say, if all we do with today is hope and dream, all we'll get in the future is... You guessed it-"hopes and dreams". What you will become, is determined by what you do with your "today[s]". This day is very important in the overall scheme of things, so don't let it slip by...
May the Lord teach us to count our days and apply or hearts unto wisdom, now and always in Jesus name amen. {Psalm 90:12}
You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you! {Phil 4:13} Make your day count. And while at it, pray without ceasing {1 Thess 5:17}
Rule 1 excerpts from 12 Rules for Life
10 months ago