I wrote this a while back for a group on face book called "Wife's Healing Clinic" as a source of encouragement for hurting women dealing with rejection in anyway. I pray it's a blessing to someone that reads this blog post. Please read and pass on to others.
When the voice of rejection speaks, it says; you are not good enough, you do not measure up, I/we want nothing to do with you.
As women of purpose and destiny, we should react like Joseph, though he was rejected and even hated by his brothers; continued in the fear, reverence, praise and service of God. Our attitude should be, God in you I trust. Although I find myself in this situation , I still believe that your plan and purpose for my life will be fulfilled... Raise up your heads daughters of Zion, evil will always bow before good. You are royal, beautiful and Divine. Do not allow yourself to be put down.
If you are all that rejection says, God would not have made you. All He makes is good. Even glorious! So identify the voice of rejection for what it is, a LIE! If you have encountered rejection in life, one thing is certain you carry purpose in you. Moses suffered rejection from the people of Israel so many times, though he was called by God to lead them out of bondage. David was seen as a nobody in his family, though he was called by God to be king of Israel. Jesus was rejected by His own people, though He was their messiah and the king of Glory. So guess what, you are in good company. Stay positive and focused, the whole world is not against you, even if they are, God is not. Your focus should always be on pleasing God. The scripture says; if a man's ways pleases God, He will make his enemies to be at peace with him.
Sisters, God always has the last say concerning our lives. Rejection is a tool of the enemy meant to STOP you on your tracks. Instead stop and pray. Ask God for directions, let it be a time of discovering who you are and all that God has made you to be. Let it be a time for purpose to speak!
But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise and
God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong.
God chose what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded
as nothing to set aside what is regarded as something,
so that no one can boost in His presence. 1Corinthians 1:20-21
Culled from YouTube-Casting Crowns, "Voice of Truth ".
In light of this truth, if you are rejected and despised by people it is safe to say that God has chosen you to show forth His praise! Glory to God.
Rule 1 excerpts from 12 Rules for Life
10 months ago
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