Friday, October 30, 2009

A True Friend.

A true friend is someone you can sit with, not say a word and feel like you had the best conversation in the world.-Osaru Abby Evbuomwan.

My take: wow! I honestly can't think of anything to add to that...This quote speaks volume of how you should feel when you are with your true friends.

When Is It Time To Be Happy?

We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another.

Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough, and that all will be well when they are older.

Then we get frustrated because they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely, we will be happier when they grow out of the teen years.

We tell ourselves our life will be better when our spouse gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a vacation, when we finally retire.

The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than right now. If not, then when?

Your life will always be full of challenges. It is better to admit that much and to decide to be happy in spite of it all.

For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start. Real life.

But there was always some obstacle along the way, an ordeal to get through, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be paid. Then life would start.

I finally came to understand that the obstacles, were life.

That point of view helped me see that there isn't any road to happiness. Happiness is the road.

So, enjoy every moment. Stop waiting for school to end, for a return to school, to loose ten pounds, to gain ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married, for Friday evening, for Sunday morning, waiting for a new car, for your mortgage to be paid off, for spring, for summer, for fall, for winter, for the first or the fifteenth of the month, for your song to be played on the radio, to die, to be reborn...before deciding to be happy.

Happiness is a voyage, not a destination. There is no better time to be happy than...


Live and enjoy the moment. Author unknown.

This interesting write-up was sent to me by a dear friend not long ago. The truth in this message is worth sharing; though I think, it is somewhat unfortunate that the author is unknown. He/she did a good job relating this truth about life {The time to be happy is now}. I would like to add however, that our lives does not necessarily have to be FULL of challenges, but it is never void of it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

When The Voice Of Rejection Speaks!

I wrote this a while back for a group on face book called "Wife's Healing Clinic" as a source of encouragement for hurting women dealing with rejection in anyway. I pray it's a blessing to someone that reads this blog post. Please read and pass on to others.

When the voice of rejection speaks, it says; you are not good enough, you do not measure up, I/we want nothing to do with you.

As women of purpose and destiny, we should react like Joseph, though he was rejected and even hated by his brothers; continued in the fear, reverence, praise and service of God. Our attitude should be, God in you I trust. Although I find myself in this situation , I still believe that your plan and purpose for my life will be fulfilled... Raise up your heads daughters of Zion, evil will always bow before good. You are royal, beautiful and Divine. Do not allow yourself to be put down.

If you are all that rejection says, God would not have made you. All He makes is good. Even glorious! So identify the voice of rejection for what it is, a LIE! If you have encountered rejection in life, one thing is certain you carry purpose in you. Moses suffered rejection from the people of Israel so many times, though he was called by God to lead them out of bondage. David was seen as a nobody in his family, though he was called by God to be king of Israel. Jesus was rejected by His own people, though He was their messiah and the king of Glory. So guess what, you are in good company. Stay positive and focused, the whole world is not against you, even if they are, God is not. Your focus should always be on pleasing God. The scripture says; if a man's ways pleases God, He will make his enemies to be at peace with him.

Sisters, God always has the last say concerning our lives. Rejection is a tool of the enemy meant to STOP you on your tracks. Instead stop and pray. Ask God for directions, let it be a time of discovering who you are and all that God has made you to be. Let it be a time for purpose to speak!

But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise and
God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong.
God chose what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded
as nothing to set aside what is regarded as something,
so that no one can boost in His presence. 1Corinthians 1:20-21
Culled from YouTube-Casting Crowns, "Voice of Truth ".

In light of this truth, if you are rejected and despised by people it is safe to say that God has chosen you to show forth His praise! Glory to God.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pathway To Success.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt. 26Th President of the United States Of America.

My take: This advice is simple yet profound. It challenges us to make the most of what we have. It urges us to focus on "right now..." A reality check if you may, which calls for an honest assessment of our lives inventory.

I also sense an endearing message in this quote, that the human spirit has a tremendous ability to thrive no matter what. This ability if applied with excellence and diligence in doing what we can , with what we have, and from where we are, is a definite pathway to success.

What is your take on this? As always you are more than welcome to leave your comments.

The Problems We Face.

The problems we face have a way of getting us on our knees.

Problems are for a season but always for a reason.

At best, it says this is an opportunity for change. At worst, it says I am taking you down with me.
It can have adverse psychological, emotional and physical effects on us or can put songs of praise in our mouths.

It can develop Godly character in us or it can make us loose the essence of who we are.

We can either be more determined or utterly downcast.

It can give us a sense shame or a warrior's fame.

It can be our good friend, truthfully revealing areas in your life that is not right or be our worst enemy.

Talking about friends, it has a way of letting us know who our true friends are when it comes around.

Problems; sometimes is self inflicted, other times it happens to us by chance.

There are times, we have a clue about what to do, other times we might be clueless.

It can grind us to dust or polish us like diamond.

How we react to and view problems determine a lot the outcome of our lives. When we face a problem we can choose to:

"Be pitiful or powerful", we can't be both.-Retha McPherson

Problems are a part of life. And life is not always easy.The Lord says " the world you have tribulation {great misery or distress, great affliction, deep sorrow} but take courage; I have overcome the world". John 16:33. The only people whose lives are void of any problem whatsoever are those in the grave. If you are facing a problem[s] at least thank God, you are alive!

I don't think it is healthy or beneficial for us to pray for an easy life. Instead we should pray for strength in our inner man {Ephesians 3:16} , for pure and unadulterated wisdom from God the father {James 1:5}, for knowledge to add to wisdom which is the only guarantee we will have stability in these unstable and uncertain time{Isaiah 33:6...wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your time}. Also for understanding so that we can establish things just as Father God used understanding to establish the heavens{Proverbs 3:19}. Pray for--------you are welcome to add more...

Having prayed, we need to humble our selves so that we can receive grace to function and do that which is required and expected of us {James 4:6 ...God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble} Receive the love of God which He freely gives unto us, the love which cast out all fears! {1John 4:18} The bible is filled with verses asking us not be afraid, for fear is one of the most crippling thing known to man. So today I am echoing the words of God, fear not! Not even the problems you are facing. You have been made more than a conqueror in Jesus name! Instead of listening to the voice of fear listen to the voice of faith; after all they are both asking you to do one thing in common " believe in something you have never seen." Finally our minds need to be focused on God, so that we are kept in perfect peace.{Isaiah 26:3} With all these in place there is nothing that will come our way that we can not handle.

It is most imperative that we bear in mind also that for every problem there is... a solution!

God has graciously given us the solution to every problem man will ever face in life. He is a good God whose thoughts towards us are that of good and not evil to bring us to an expected end. He has given us:

Authority in the name of Jesus. Indeed there is something about the name of Jesus. At the mention of the name, sickness and diseases disappear from our bodies. Demons and all the forces of hell take to their heels. As believers, In the name of Jesus we can go on our knees and pray asking God of anything and it will be done unto us. {John 14:13-14} The name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run in and they are saved!{Proverbs 18:10} Use the authority!

Power in the blood of Jesus: The bible makes us understand that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony. The blood of Jesus is our covering hence as Christians when we pray we cover ourselves with the blood. Because of the blood that was shed from Emmanuel's veins, the things that are supposed to destroy us passes over. Whenever we are faced with a problem that seems like it is going to utterly destroy us all we need to do is plead the blood of Jesus!

His words: This words I speak to you Jesus says are spirit and life. The bible contains all the information we will ever need to live a rich and fulfilling life. The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnance of earth, purified seven times. {Psalms 12:6} For the words of God to be beneficial to us in solving lives problems, we first have to know the word then we have to make a conscious decision to agree with the word. Or as I like to tell myself "Be one with the word". When we do this we will find that there is no limitations for us except the one we put on our self....we are now ready to think like God, talk like God and create like God-Pastor Paula white. When we are in agreement with the word regardless of what is happening around us, the will and purpose of God be done in our lives as He has purposed in heaven.

No one and nothing can thwart, delay or stop you from living the life you are destined to live except you! This brings me to one of my favorite quotes; "nobody great or small can be ruined except by his own hand". -Oscar Wilde. Let's take God at His words! Not only when we face problems but at all times. Open the bible and read. Heaven and earth may pass away but my words will not pass away {Luke 21;33} It's that powerful! Psalm 138:2 ...God has magnified His words above all His name. He is that serious about what He says! Thank you lord!

The holy spirit: Our comforter... He is the one who comforts us when sometimes life gets unbearable. He is our companion... no matter what happens, we are never alone. Right now even as you read this He is there with you! He is our helper... The bible says the same power which raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us , so we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. He is our teacher, our guide and brings to our remembrance all things. He is the one that gives us utterance to pray... He is able to tell us what to do at any situation or circumstances we find ourselves and make us come out on top. Sometimes in my thought, I fondly call Him my "secret weapon", although He is much more than that. He can turn you into "" as a dear friend of mine testifies. More than ever we need to relate closely to, and work in partnership with the spirit of the living God.

He has given us tools and divinely placed people around us: Every human being came to earth equipped by God with abilities, gifts and talents, unique and sufficient to go through the journey of life. One way we find out these things is in the place of prayer and the problem we face has a way of causing some of these things to rise up from within us. He has given us our minds and intellect enrich and use it. Read good books that will be worth your time. For reviews on books that have the potential to do this visit The most highly recommended books of all times still remains the BIBLE. `He has given us mouths not just to eat and drink but to channel the course of our lives by the words we speak. Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it shall eat it's fruits {Proverbs 18:21}. Change your confessions. Your life is responding to the name you are calling it!

There are people God has divinely placed around us for the seasons of our lives. Be it in the time of problems, setbacks, trials or in the season of rest. We have to look outside of ourselves and what we might be going through, take out time and note the people currently in our lives. Even the people we meet; for with God there are no such things as mere coincidence. We have to become aware of their presence and what they are in our life for. God uses people to help each other. Who are the people in your life right now ? If you can't seem to find any, then pray in Jesus name and ask God to send you "Destiny helpers" as a friend of mine would call them.

After giving this a lot of thought, I can say for sure that, if we look closely and re-focus our attention for a moment we will find that every problem we encounter in life always come with an opportunity. An opportunity to know God like we have never known Him before. If only we will let Him, He will help us turn that problem into a promotion. I hope the words written today is helpful and a blessing to somebody as it has been to me. Please feel free to leave a comment as usual, lets share some more on this. There are giants in the land... but we are more than able!

Shalom all, I hope this article wasn't a tad too long. lol

Monday, October 26, 2009

Words Of Hope.

All the broken pieces of your life is nothing more than a "beautiful" mosaic of your future -Retha McPherson.

My take: If we let God put the pieces together... He will make our lives a "masterpiece". Halleluya!!!

The voice of truth...

Listen to the voice of truth...

when you feel like giving up.

When fear makes you want to retrieve and curl up.

When you feel like, you... can't... any... more...

Oh yes you can...

Live life to the fullest!

It might not be perfect.

Do what you can....

The rest is up to God.

He can turn the inharmonious composition about any one's life into a beautiful symphony!

Don't stop now.

listen... and believe the voice of truth...

While driving to work last week, I was so encouraged and inspired by the song playing on my car stereo, "Voice Of Truth" by Casting Crowns. It was such a beautiful way to start my day. I hope someone is blessed by it as well. To listen to the song just click on the YouTube link below.